Rotorua Lakes High School Rotorua Lakes High School

NCEA Level 1 Te Ao Haka

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Whaea L. Yates Wright.

Te Ao Haka is a new performance-based subject that provides opportunities for ākonga to engage in Māori culture, language, and tradiongal practices.  Ākonga learn their whakapapa, history and language through the medium of haka and is combined with traditional and contemporary culture. 

Ākonga can achieve Te Ao Haka Level 1, 2 and 3 credits that contribute towards NCEA and University Entrance (UE).   Scholarships in Te Ao Haka are also offered. 


NCEA Level 2 Te Ao Haka

Career opportunities include: teaching, performance, TV and film, the tourism industry and government.